Category Archives: Feast or Famine

FEAST OR FAMINE- Learning How To Ride The Freelance Wave Part 5- BREATHE


I remember the first year I began freelancing. The phone was always ringing with more work than I could take on. I was always working two jobs, and the money was just rolling in. I was invincible! I was finally a success!

When July came, the calls for work just stopped and suddenly everything came to a screeching halt. I thought that I had done something wrong. Maybe there really was a “Black List” and somehow I was on it. I worked all day and all night looking for new work with no results. I couldn’t sleep and my nerves were shot. This lasted for 6 weeks.

And then suddenly, the phone rang and I was back to work. Driving into my new job, there was only one thing I could think about. How completely exhausted I was. After 5 months of double shifts and 6 weeks of panic, I never took a break to refresh my batteries.

The Solution- Don’t forget to Breath.

After an intense work schedule it can be challenging to just relax and decompress. You may experience an urge to jump right in and start searching for your next job. It is important to understand that your mind and body need a moment to recover.

Between jobs, I find the best way to recover, is by doing some type of physical activity that requires my mental attention as well. When I am not working, I like to do martial arts. I always go into a session feeling stressed and exhausted. But I always come out feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

Find something that can help break the spell and take you away from the frustrations we all encounter as we live the freelance life. Sports, museums, travel or any other activity that requires both body and mind, will help to restore your strength and will get you prepared mentally for your next freelance challenge.

Remind yourself that the phone can ring at anytime and when that happens, you’ll be back to the grind.


Allow yourself a moment to just breathe.